The ObsData Class

class stat_fem.ObsData(coords, data, unc)

Class representing Observational Data and discrepancy between model and observations

This class holds information on observational data and uncertainties. It also serves as a wrapper to compute the model discrepancy (since the data coordinates and uncertainties are stored here). At the moment, it only implements the squared exponential kernel and assumes that data is not time varying.

  • coords – Array holding coordinate locations of measurements. Must be 1D or 2D where the first axis represents the different coordinate points and the second axis represents the cartesian axis directions. If 1D, assumes the second axis has length 1.
  • data – Sensor measurements at all of the given coordinate locations. Length must be the same as the first axis of coords.
  • unc – Uncertainty on data measurements as a standard deviation. Can be a single float, or an array of floats with the same length as the number of sensors. Must be non-negative.
__init__(coords, data, unc)

Create a new ObsData object

Creates a new ObsData object given coordinates, data values, and uncertainties. Performs re-shaping of inputs and some checks on values.

  • coords (ndarray) – Array holding coordinate locations of measurements. Must be 1D or 2D where the first axis represents the different coordinate points and the second axis represents the cartesian axis directions. If 1D, assumes the second axis has length 1.
  • data (ndarray) – Sensor measurements at all of the given coordinate locations. Length must be the same as the first axis of coords.
  • unc (float or ndarray) – Uncertainty on data measurements as a standard deviation. Can be a single float, or an array of floats with the same length as the number of sensors. Must be non-negative.

Returns model discrepancy covariance matrix

Computes the model discrepancy covariance matrix for the given parameters. Assumes that the discrepancy is a multivariate normal distribution with zero mean and a squared exponential covariance matrix. Params are given on a logarithmic scale to enforce positivity, the first parameter is the overall covariance scale (actual covariance is found by taking exp(2.*params[0]) and the second is the spatial correlation length scale (actual correlation length is exp(params[1])). Returns a numpy array with shape (n_obs, n_obs).

Parameters:params (ndarray) – Covariance function parameters on a logarithmic scale. Must be a numpy array of length 2 (first parameter is the overall covariance scale, second determines the correlation length scale).
Returns:Model discrepancy covariance matrix, shape is (n_obs, n_obs).
Return type:ndarray

Returns derivative of model discrepancy covariance matrix wrt parameters

Computes the derivative of the model discrepancy covariance matrix with respect to the input parameters. Assumes that the discrepancy is a multivariate normal distribution with zero mean and a squared exponential covariance matrix. Params are given on a logarithmic scale to enforce positivity, the first parameter is the overall covariance scale (actual covariance is found by taking exp(2.*params[0]) and the second is the spatial correlation length scale (actual correlation length is exp(params[1])). Returns a numpy array with shape (2, n_obs, n_obs).

Parameters:params (ndarray) – Covariance function parameters on a logarithmic scale. Must be a numpy array of length 2 (first parameter is the overall covariance scale, second determines the correlation length scale).
Returns:Model discrepancy covariance matrix derivative with respect to the parameters, shape is (2, n_obs, n_obs).
Return type:ndarray

Returns model discrepancy covariance matrix plus observation error

Computes the model discrepancy covariance matrix for the given parameters plus the observational error. Assumes that the discrepancy is a multivariate normal distribution with zero mean and a squared exponential covariance matrix. Params are given on a logarithmic scale to enforce positivity, the first parameter is the overall covariance scale (actual covariance is found by taking exp(2.*params[0]) and the second is the spatial correlation length scale (actual correlation length is exp(params[1])). Returns a numpy array with shape (n_obs, n_obs).

Parameters:params (ndarray) – Covariance function parameters on a logarithmic scale. Must be a numpy array of length 2 (first parameter is the overall covariance scale, second determines the correlation length scale).
Returns:Model discrepancy covariance matrix plus observational error, shape is (n_obs, n_obs).
Return type:ndarray

Returns coordinate points as a numpy array

Returns coordinate points where sensor measurements have been made as a numpy array. 2D array with the first axis representing the different sensors, and the second axis represents the different spatial dimensions.

Returns:Coordinate array, a 2D numpy array
Return type:ndarray

Returns sensor observations as a numpy array

Returns sensor observations as a 1D numpy array. Length is the same as the number of sensors.

Returns:Coordinate array, a 1D numpy array
Return type:ndarray

Returns number of dimensions in FEM model

Returns the number of spatial dimensions in FEM model as an integer.

Returns:Number of spatial dimensions
Return type:int

Returns number of observations

Returns the number of sensor observations as an integer.

Returns:Number of sensor measurements
Return type:int

Returns uncertainties

Returns data measurement uncertainty as a standard deviation, either a float or a numpy array if uncertainties differ across sensors.

Returns:Uncertainty as a standard deviation, either a float or a numpy array
Return type:float or ndarray