Parallelism in stat-fem

The various solves required for the Statistical FEM can be done in parallel in several ways.

Parallel base solves

To parallelize the solution of the base FEM model, you can simply run your Python script under MPI to divide the FEM mesh among the given number of processes. This is handled natively in Firedrake as well as stat-fem. For instance, depending on your system setup you would enter the following into the shell to execute a script in parallel:

$ mpiexec -n 4 python

The nodes owned by each process are determined when forming the mesh, and this manages all interprocess communication when performing the matrix inversion to solve the resulting linear system.

While the mesh degrees of freedom in the FEM are divided among the processors, the data is always held at the root process, as the data dimension is usually significantly less than the number of degrees of freedom in the mesh and the solves involving the data are unlikely to benefit from running in parallel due to the communication overhead involved. Therefore, all matrix computations done in the “data space” that are needed for the solves are done on the root process. The collection of data at root and dispersal of data to the mesh is handled through the interpolation matrix, which is automatically constructed when performing a solve and should not require any modification when solving a given problem.

Parallel Covariance Solves

To compute the FEM model posterior conditioned on the data, one must perform 2 FEM solves per data constraint. This is the principal computational cost in computing the model posterior once the other matrices in the system have been assembled. Each data constraint can be handled independently, and thus this step in the computation can be parallelized.

This parallelization is handled through the Firedrake Ensemble class. An ensemble creates two different MPI communicators: one that parallelizes the base solves (the base communicator, which is an Ensemble class attribute comm), and one that parallelizes the covariance solves (the ensemble communicator, an Ensemble class attribute ensemble_comm). Each process has a unique pair of ranks across the two communicators. When creating a Firedrake Ensemble, you must do so before creating the mesh, and use the base communicator in the ensemble to create the mesh. The ensemble communicator, if used, is passed to the solving routine or the LinearSolver object when it is created.

When running a script using this type of parallelism, the user must specify how to divide the MPI processes across the two different types of solves. This is done when constructing the Ensemble instance. For example, if you wish you use 4 processes total, with 2 dedicated to each individual solve and 2 processes over which the data constraint solves will be divided, you would do the following in the file

from firedrake import Ensemble, COMM_WORLD, UnitSquareMesh, Function

my_ensemble = Ensemble(COMM_WORLD, 2)

# divide mesh across two processes in base comm
mesh = UnitSquareMesh(51, 51, comm=my_ensemble.comm)

# Code to assemble stiffness matrix, RHS, BCs, forcing covariance, data, etc
# see stat_fem/examples/ for an example of how to create and
# assemble all of these objects


from stat_fem import solve_posterior

# A is an assembled matrix, x is a function in the desired function space,
# b is the RHS, fc is the assembled ForcingCovariance object, and
# data is the ObsData object

# this will divide the solves over the 2 processors in the ensemble_comm

solve_posterior(A, x, b, fc, data, ensemble_comm=my_ensemble.ensemble_comm)

Then run the python script with mpiexec -n 4 python This will work similarly for all solving functions, a LinearSolver object, or the estimate_params_MAP function, all of which accept an ensemble_comm keyword argument.

Note that it is up to the user to ensure that the total number of processes is divisible by the base number of processes used when creating the Ensemble object.